Nicole is a freelance writer with a passion for wellness, nutrition, and healthy aging. Before entering the writing field, Nicole received her undergraduate degree in Organismal Biology from Scripps College and spent time as a nutrition coach underneath the fitness icon Thomas Delauer. During this time, Nicole worked with hundreds of adults, including seniors, to help them achieve their health and weight goals.
As the saying goes, home is where the heart is. To remain where you love as you grow older provides comfort and keeps your cherished memories close. The right tools can help you stay home for as long as possible.
For the past seven years, Nicole has been a health writer for various wellness experts and publications, including Everyday Health, Health, Thomas Delauer, and Technology Networks. She is an experienced writer concentrating on healthy aging, sleep health, Cannabis sativa, fitness, supplements, and diet and nutrition.
Nicole has written at length regarding natural compounds that may help relieve the pain and stiffness of arthritis, ways to improve cognitive function, and natural methods to improve bladder control. She’s interviewed medical professionals and other experts to learn about the potential of Cannabis sativa to relieve difficult-to-treat pain and help with various medical conditions. She uses her experience in biology and research skills to bring Aging In Place readers articles that improve health, wellness, and daily life.