The cost of Audien hearing aids starts at $99 per pair, which is very low compared to other brands.
You can purchase Audien hearing aids online without seeing an audiologist or licensed hearing instrument specialist.
There are six models to choose from: four in-the-canal (ITC) styles and two behind-the-ear (BTE) styles.
1,000+ Hours of Research
18 brands considered
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Is finding affordable hearing aids a top priority for you? It is for many hearing aid shoppers—more than 28% of respondents in our survey of hearing aid users ranked price as the most important thing they look for in a hearing aid.
In our pursuit of the best hearing aids, we looked at all the top brands, especially ones that stand out in some way. Since Audien offers some of the least expensive hearing devices on the market, our team created this independent review of Audien hearing aids, which breaks down the following:
Pros and cons of the company
Comparisons of each Audien hearing aid model
Our testing results
Costs and how to pay for Audien hearing aids
Audien customer reviews
Why we recommend Audien hearing aids
Ever since over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids became FDA approved in 2023, we’ve been testing and reviewing affordable models that give shoppers an alternative to prescription devices, which cost $4,600 per pair on average.
In our team’s survey of hearing aid users, nearly 30% of respondents said the biggest challenge with their hearing aids was the high cost. With price being such a concern for many potential hearing aid customers (especially older adults on a fixed income), we wanted to review a company like Audien that produces some of the most affordable hearing aids on the market.
Audien hearing aids are also easy to purchase—you can buy them online without a prescription, and all models have rechargeable batteries. Rechargeable batteries are another highly valued hearing aid feature—respondents to our survey rated rechargeable hearing aids as the second-most important feature, behind only digital noise reduction.
The combination of low prices with desirable features made our team want to take a closer look at Audien hearing aids and Audien reviews.
Why trust Aging in Place
We’ve spent the last four years living and breathing hearing aids. In our research, we’ve:
Researched and mystery shopped over 20 hearing aid brands
Surveyed hundreds of hearing aid users
Tested hearing aid models
Interviewed 5 hearing instrument specialists, 20 audiologists, and tens of real hearing aid users
The Audien Atom is the company’s most affordable model. It’s an in-the-canal hearing aid that only weighs 1.9 grams, which is approximately the weight of two U.S. dollar bills.
This model includes a wireless charging dock with compartments for each hearing aid. The dock plugs into a standard wall outlet and takes 4–6 hours to reach a full charge of 24 hours of use.
The Atom is the only Audien hearing aid that automatically turns off the hearing aids while charging, which can help speed up charging time.
Besides rechargeable batteries, the Atom is a basic model with no special features such as Bluetooth technology, noise reduction, or directional microphones.
Audien Atom Pro
Audien Atom Pro
Cost per pair: $249
Weight: 1.85 g
Type of hearing aid: In-the-canal (ITC)
Type of hearing loss: Mild to moderate
Battery type: Rechargeable
Bluetooth compatible: No
What you should know about the Audien Atom PRO
The Audien Atom Pro is even smaller than the Audien Atom. The Audien Atom Pro uses a portable charging case and has background noise-reduction capabilities. Otherwise, like the Atom, the Atom Pro has no special features typically found in other, more expensive hearing aids.
This model is a good option if you’re looking for a smaller Audien hearing aid for mild to moderate hearing loss.
Audien Atom 2
Audien Atom 2
Cost per pair: $189
Type of hearing aid: In-the-canal (ITC)
Type of hearing loss: Mild to moderate
Battery type: Rechargeable
Bluetooth compatible: No
What you should know about the Audien Atom 2
The Atom 2 is the second most affordable model by Audien. The biggest benefit we saw in testing was that you could change the volume by tapping the device instead of having to use a small screwdriver. It was a big step up in user experience, but otherwise, there aren’t many differences between the Atom and Atom 2.
Testers unbox the Audien Atom 2 during testing.
Audien Atom Pro 2
Audien Atom Pro 2
Cost per pair: $289
Type of hearing aid: In-the-canal (ITC)
Type of hearing loss: Mild to moderate
Battery type: Rechargeable
Bluetooth compatible: No
What you should know about the Audien Atom Pro 2
The Atom Pro 2 is where we start to see some more advanced features take shape. This model comes with a portable charging case, noise reduction capability, and it’s the only Audien model that has UV cleaning built into its case to sanitize your hearing aids while they charge.
Testers unbox the Audien Atom Pro 2 during testing.
Audien Ion
Audien Ion
Cost per pair: $489
Type of hearing aid: Behind-the-ear (BTE)
Type of hearing loss: Mild to moderate
Battery type: Rechargeable
Bluetooth compatible: No
What you should know about the Audien ION
The Ion is Audien’s newest series, but the only worthwhile callout of the Ion versus the Atom Pro 2 is its directional sound technology. This could be important for people with moderate hearing loss who need to hear clearly in noisy environments, like meeting rooms or music halls.
The Audien Ion sits in its charging case during testing.
Audien Ion Pro
Audien Ion Pro
Cost per pair: $689
Type of hearing aid: Behind-the-ear (BTE)
Type of hearing loss: Mild to moderate
Battery type: Rechargeable
Bluetooth compatible: Yes
What you should know about the Audien ion pro
The Audien Ion Pro is the brand’s most expensive model, and it includes all the bells and whistles you may hope to see in an OTC hearing aid. The small design has powerful sound technology, app controls, and Bluetooth streaming for calls and music. If you have more money to spend but aren’t ready for a step up to a $1,000+ hearing aid, the Audien Ion Pro may be right for you.
The Audien Ion Pro gets unboxed during testing.
Purchasing Audien hearing aids
How do I purchase Audien hearing aids?
To purchase a pair of Audien hearing aids, visit the Audien website and add the hearing aid to your cart to check out. You can pay by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover).
Our team found the Audien website very easy to navigate with transparent prices and an easy checkout process.
How much do Audien hearing aids cost?
Audien hearing aids range from $99–$689 per pair, depending on which model you choose. The company does not offer an option for financing or payment plans. But Audien does offer a 45-day free trial period during which you can return your hearing aids for a 100% refund.
Audien hearing aids are cheaper than traditional hearing aids because they are sold directly to the consumer. Ordering hearing aids online may be more convenient and easier than going to a hearing center or audiologist. On the other hand, in-person consultations with an audiologist or licensed hearing instrument specialist can offer such benefits as customized fit and ongoing support, as well as helping you determine what type of device is best for you (e.g., a hearing aid or hearing amplifier).
Also, only in-person appointments with audiologists can diagnose the cause of your hearing loss.
Audien app and accessories
Only the Audien Ion Pro, the brand’s most expensive model, has an accompanying app. This allows you to make adjustments, like switching between listening environments or pre-sets and changing the volume, as well as stream calls and music.
The company offers three types of accessories: maintenance items, chargers and docks, and earbuds.
Accessories pack that includes extra earbuds and cleaning tools.
Cleaning kit
One-year protection plan
Ear drops
Atom Pro charger and case
Atom charger and dock
Atom Pro 2 charger and case
Atom 2 charger and dock
Ion charger and case
Small ear size pack
Medium ear size pack
Large ear size pack
Audien customer service and satisfaction
The Audien website includes tutorial videos on setting up, wearing, and cleaning your hearing aids. You can also reach out to Audien’s support team by phone, email, or live chat.
Phone: You can reach Audien’s customer support at (205) 255-1112, Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. PT.
Email: You can contact Audien via email at The support team has a 24-hour response time.
Live chat: The live chat option can direct you to resources for setting up your hearing aids, troubleshooting, ongoing maintenance, returning, and reporting lost or damaged hearing aids. Chat can be found at
When reaching out to Audien customer service, our team received mixed results. Some phone calls were answered immediately, others were answered after 10 or more seconds. And the live chat option doesn’t involve chatting with an actual person—we found the live chat uses what it calls an “Answer Bot” (a software program rather than customer service employee) to direct you to articles and other resources on the Audien website that can help answer your question. A live person never actually communicates with you in the chat.
In our team’s independent survey, more than 28% of Audien hearing aid users said the biggest challenge with their hearing aids is that they don’t work as they should, compared to 9% of all respondents. About 14% of Audien users said their hearing aids were uncomfortable to wear, compared to 10% of Widex users. The survey also indicated that more than 14% of Audien users reported their hearing aid doesn’t have enough features compared to 5% of MDHearing users.
Audien maintenance, warranty, and care
Audien warranty
Audien offers a one-year warranty for defective hearing aids and guarantees a replacement. The warranty does not include broken, lost, or water-damaged products.
How to clean Audien hearing aids
In our survey, respondents reported that Audien hearing aids were about as easy or difficult to clean as hearing aids from other companies. More than 16% of respondents said their hearing aids were extremely easy to clean, while more than 23% said it was difficult. That’s compared to 28% of Audien hearing aid users who said their hearing aids were difficult to clean, and another 14% who said their Audien hearing aids were neither easy nor difficult to clean.
On the Audien website, tutorial videos explain how to clean the Atom and Atom Pro hearing aid models. The first step is to turn off your hearing aids and then remove the ear dome, which is the small piece that fits inside your ear. Brush off any debris with the black cleaning brush included with each device.
Next, you’ll clean the tip of the hearing aid, also known as the receiver. If you have a wax guard on the tip, remove it before cleaning. Audien recommends using a rubbing alcohol swab or wipes to clean the tip thoroughly. After you’ve cleaned around the tip, replace the old wax guard with a new one using the special tool that comes with your hearing device. After the new wax guard is in, wipe down the rest of the hearing aid. Finally, clean each ear dome before putting it back onto the hearing aids.
How to charge Audien hearing aids
The Atom and Atom Pro both use a wireless charger. Here are the steps to charge your Audien hearing aids:
Turn off the hearing aids before charging. (Note: The Atom Pro will automatically turn off when charging.)
Plug the micro USB end of the cable into the charging dock.
Insert the USB end into the two-prong wall charger.
Plug the charger into the wall.
Place hearing aids into the hollow section of the charging dock with the removal wires facing down.
Hearing aids will magnetically click into place, and a red light will indicate the devices are charging.
The red light will turn solid green when the charging is complete (after 4–6 hours).
Are Audien hearing aids water-resistant?
No, Audien hearing aids are not water-resistant, which may be an issue for those who prefer to wear hearing aids in the shower. Taking out hearing aids each time you shower or swim can take more time and be less convenient. Other brands, such as Phonak and Jabra Enhance, offer water-resistant hearing aids.
Audien offers a 45-day return policy, which is common across the industry, with company return policies averaging from 45–100 days for most hearing aid companies. That means you have 45 days to return your Audien hearing aids for a 100% refund. Audien’s policy starts the day after receiving your shipment, and if you receive a defective pair of hearing aids, Audien will give you a free replacement.
Who is best suited for Audien hearing aids?
Audien hearing aids are suited for people with mild to moderate hearing loss, and not for those who have moderately severe to profound hearing loss. For example, according to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, moderately severe to profound hearing loss is from 56 decibels to 91+ decibels (decibels are a measure of sound levels). That is approximately the average noise level of an office or air conditioner, according to 3M’s noise navigator. In another example, you might have moderately severe hearing loss if you can only hear 71 dB or higher sounds, such as a dishwasher or electric mixer.
When you’re looking to buy hearing aids, consider the following questions:
What is your budget? You can still find high-quality hearing aids, even if your budget is limited. Learn more in our best affordable hearing aids article.
How severe is your hearing loss? If your hearing loss is in the severe to profound range, or if it’s complex and needs specialized care, prescription hearing aids are more appropriate.
Do you like simple or advanced technology? If you prefer smaller hearing aids like invisible-in-the-canal (IIC) styles, they don’t have room to fit technology that can improve your hearing experience, including Bluetooth or adaptive features that adjust settings automatically to your environment. You can learn more in our review of the best invisible hearing aids.
Do you prefer rechargeable or disposable batteries? Rechargeable batteries can save you up to $1,000 during the life of your hearing aids since you’ll need to purchase new disposable batteries every three to 10 days depending on usage.
Do you have tinnitus or ringing in your ears? Certain hearing aids have settings to manage tinnitus symptoms.
Audien hearing aid reviews from customers
Customer reviews vary for Audien among different sites, including the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and Trustpilot. As of January 2024, on BBB, Audien has a B rating and a customer review rating of 4.19 out of 5. On Trustpilot, Audien has a “great” rating, with 3.9 out of 5 stars.
“I am very happy with my experience with Audien. The first pair I got I had to send back since they were too big and wouldn’t fit right. Even before I got the ones I was returning processed, the replacement was on the way. Then something was wrong with them. They let me return them and sent me another one right off. I am so proud to say that I have them right now.”
“I purchased two pairs of Audien Atom hearing aids. One for my 90 yr old mother and one for my husband. They both loved them! My husband was able to turn the ** down to a normal volume. My mother could hear me the very first time I said something without having me repeat it several times. She was excited and a bit teary eyed.”
Audien hearing aids are good and they work, but they don’t include a lot of features in most models, such as tinnitus masking or Bluetooth. The company only offers two type of hearing aid, in-the-canal (ITC) and behind-the-ear (BTE). If you’re looking for a cost-effective alternative to traditional hearing aids, with no audiologist or hearing professional consultation needed, Audien hearing aids might be a good fit.
Audien is a legitimate company and sells six models online.
Audien hearing aids range from $99–$699 per pair, depending on which model you choose. The Atom costs $99 and the Atom Ion Pro costs $689 per pair.