Jenny is an Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner in NYC with a passion for working with aging adults and their family members. Prior to her clinical training at Vanderbilt School of Nursing, she worked in business and medical research at Harvard Business School and Massachusetts General Hospital. As a Caregiving Coach at Givers, Jenny helps family members manage the financial, emotional, and educational stresses of caring for their loved ones who are aging in place.
Medical Reviewers
At we know you’re looking to our recommendations to help you make major life changing and health-altering choices. That’s why we have a roster of medical experts including nurses, audiologists, occupational therapists, and more who review our content to ensure we’re giving you the most accurate, up to date information possible so you can make the best decisions for your health.
Dr. Brad Ingrao, Au.D. is a practicing audiologist. Since the 1990s, he has personally fitted thousands of people with hearing aids. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Education of the Speech and Hearing Handicapped, a Master’s in Audiology, and a Doctorate in Audiology. He has taught at three universities and presented at professional conferences in two continents.
Christopher is a Board-Certified Geriatric Nurse Practitioner and Holistic Nurse. As a Nurse’s Aide, Registered Nurse and now Nurse Practitioner, he has loved working with older people since 2004. He earned his Master’s Degree with Honors at Yale University, completed an Advanced Practice Nurse Fellowship in Geriatrics at New York University, and gained comprehensive experience working with people with dementia (and their families) at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY.
Dr. Kupfer is an Audiologist and Hearing Aid Specialist in NYC, where she works with adults and older adults daily. In addition to diagnosing hearing loss, tinnitus and fitting cutting-edge hearing aids in her private practice, she serves as adjunct clinical faculty for the CUNY Audiology Doctoral Program.
Brittany is a registered and licensed occupational therapist who has worked with geriatrics in assisted living and hospital settings. She holds a PhD in Integrative Mental Health, has published four books, and has written over 300 articles on a range of health topics. Brittany is the owner of Simplicity of Health, where she offers health writing and program development for health and wellness-related businesses.
Dr. Magann Faivre is an audiologist with a passion for being active in audiology organizations, particularly concerning advocacy, patients’ rights issues, and teaching student leadership. She intimately grew up around hearing loss and empathizes with patients when discussing their hearing journey. She is dedicated to creating a positive and integrative hearing healthcare experience so patients leave informed and confident. Dr. Magann Faivre currently serves on The Audiology Project’s Board of Directors and on Northern Illinois University’s Advisory Board. She is a longstanding fellow of the American Academy of Audiology and Academy of Doctors of Audiology.
Elizabeth has been a respiratory therapist since 1983 and remains licensed in the state of New York. Her experience in respiratory care includes routine and critical care in the hospital setting outpatient and at home equipment modalities and management and use of home ventilators, CPAP, BiPAP, apnea monitor, nebulizer, and other respiratory-related equipment.
Rebecca Tucker, LRT, RRT is a registered respiratory therapist and COPD educator with over 40 years of practice in acute, sub acute, and chronic disease management. She has successfully initiated and managed CPAP, BiPAP, oxygen, and noninvasive ventilation programs for numerous entities throughout her career.
Brian Murray earned a bachelor’s of science degree in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology in 2010 from Ithaca College. He is licensed to dispense hearing aids in New York, North Carolina, and Virginia, where he has worked in both private practice and retail clinics. He is currently a workshop consultant with Alpaca Audiology.